Thursday, March 5, 2009

in the beginning.

Well, that was unmeasurably more eloquent than I could possibly have said it. I guess if we're doing this thing the official way, I should introduce myself as well. I don't really know what you could call me, beyond someone that's just starved for confirmation that there is more meaning to life than what we are able to perceive. I believe that a moment that you aren't questioning something is a moment wasted. After all, if we had all of the answers to all of the problems in the world, the field of science would be useless. Thankfully, I don't believe we will ever truly have every answer, nor do I think we are meant to, but that is not the point. As the adage goes, "its not the destination, its the trip," and the concept for this blog is to be a beacon sent out to the visceral ocean, mapping what we've found, trying to make a stand against the inevitable.

I don't know where these writings will take us, nor do I know the breadth to which this spark of an idea will reach. But for reasons beyond control or comprehension, we find ourselves at an apex in societal evolution. Call them coincidences, call them predestined arrangements, call them divine interventions, call them what you will. The fact cannot be denied that there are certain events in our lives that are as of yet unexplained by scientific measure. Whether or not you want to call it what I do is not the issue. I don't believe my personal philosophical and religious concepts are necessarily anything to push onto others, and I loathe those that do, (athiests and zealots alike). So the following writings are not meant to persuade in any manner, but only to inspire creative thought. Don't waste any more time going along with the current. Challenge everything. I don't care what you believe, as long as you believe in something.


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